
My guiding principles for working are:

  • enthusiasm for language
  • accuracy, diligence, and precision
  • combined with creativity and imagination
  • respect towards the special characteristics and individual style of a text
  • reliablility
  • discretion and confidentiality

Some further information about translations, editing, proof-reading and formalities and the work process:

  • The common file formats are accepted and files will be returned in the same format or in the format of your choice.
  • If so desired, edits or corrections can be made in the „track changes“ mode, otherwise they are simply integrated into the text.
  • Texts can also be edited on paper, with annotations and the traditional proof-reader’s marks.
  • Each text will be worked on at least twice, i.e. after the first round of translation or editing/proof-reading, the text is read and edited once more.
  • The texts are translated or edited/proof-read exclusively by me. Commissions will not be sub-contracted without your permission, unless you explicitly request a final check by another pair of eyes.